Author: 陳妍茵
2019-09-01(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 陳國基 |
English Name | Chan Kwok Kee |
Phone Number | 92124962 |
Addresses | Room 2006, 20/F, Ko Ching House, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tong, Hong Kong |
Occupation | 香港警察 Hong Kong Police |
Chan Kwok Kee is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Last Updated: 2019-12-16
Personal Particulars
黃宇濤係香港警察嘅一份子。Wong Yue To Otto is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Personal Particulars
吳天有係香港警察嘅一份子。Ng Tin Yau is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Personal Particulars
簡進昂係香港警察的一份子。據親近人士指出,佢係中學時經常靠關係取得好處,例如係表現平庸嘅情況下仍然可以加入學校田徑隊,以及在2013年領取該校「Student of the Year」的獎項。佢係讀大學時佢仍然經常同教授「搞好關係」,但個人就不停係網上同其他人玩色情錄影,用Tinder搵性伴侶,露體片段更一度流出至同系女同學手上,佢就用電腦被入侵等原因試圖掩飾。大學畢業後,佢曾經係Lululemo ...